System00 Security

Security is Vulnerability

Beta Tester.

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> $ chmod +x
> $ python3
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Team Members
Team Name
Security Researcher Joy Ghosh CEO & FOUNDER facebook
Rabiul Hasan Tahin Security Researcher facebook
Md Shadat Hossen Naim Security Researcher facebook
Otol Khan Security Researcher facebook
Md Karimul Islam Shezan Security Researcher facebook
Ashiqur Emon Security Researcher facebook
Hasan Seikh Security Researcher facebook


0install is an automatic bugbounty recon tool installer.
  • Its Fast
  • It Can detect os architecture and download package compitable with it
  • It detects if package is installed or not if installed it skips
  • It usage github api to track the package update so it doesnt download outdated package
  • It Download all the package from real source
  • It doesnt use apt to install tools so tools can be downloaded and installed in any distro
Git-Cve is an Cve based exploit finder. It Finds exploit based on cve number from github.
  • It usage a realtime tracking database from github so it never miss any uploaded cve poc
  • Its writen in pure python3 so you can use it any distro with python3 installed
Gshodan is an shodan api client with new gui functionality it converts boring json output to detailed html.
  • Its Faster than any other api client
  • Its Converts Json To Html table
ShoPort is an Upcomming port scanner that usage shodan api to scan ports.
  • It Usage Passive Technic so its fast
  • It has single ip scanning functionality
  • It Can Generate and scan port from ip range
  • It can scan port from ip list
  • It can scan port of a host
  • It can Scan Port of a hostlist
anon-ftp-login is an Automated Testing Suite for anonymous login on ftp.
  • Its writen in pure bash

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